Tag related to Aws

How Not To Send Transactional Emails

Disclaimer: this is the anti-aws guide to sending emails

The problem

You have a system and you need to send emails to your customers which happen upon certain events, for example a new user signs up and you send him a welcome email. At the same time you are using aws and to ensure the least problems you decided to use as much as much possible of what Jeff is selling. Based on that you decided to use SES (simple email service) to send your emails (far from simple if you ask me, but thatโ€™s how they market it).

Implementing 2FA Login With Email On AWS Cognito Using Typescript

Security has become a huge deal in today’s computing world, and one part of security is authentication, in other words proving that you are the person you say you are. For computer systems a username and passoword is enough to authenticate a user, however that has proven to be insufficient for today. That led to 2FA solutions (2 Factor Authentication) which add one more layer of security in the process of identifying a user and basically giving access to certain resource like your bank account, or your email.